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Image of a timberwolf with %22Welcome back, Timberwolves%22
Welcome to 2nd Semester!

We hope everyone had a great winter break.

We're excited to start a terrific new semester!

Welcome to Mary Endres Elementary School


Principal Christi Ruiz, and the entire Mary Endres staff welcome you. Visit our About Us and Directory pages to learn more about our school and our people. 

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International Spanish Academy (ISA)

Mary Endres Elementary is proud to be one of only nine International Spanish Academy schools in Illinois. 

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International Spanish Academy (ISA) logo

Timberwolf Times Newsletter

Be sure to check out the Timberwolf Times for news and information from Principal Ruiz about what's happening at Mary Endres.

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Timberwolf Times - Mary Endres Newsletter

Upcoming Events

News & Announcements

Photo of Jill Walsh

District 200 will offer a parent speaker event on Feb. 19 featuring a Boston University professor and author who will provide guidance on helping children move safely through the digital landscape. Dr. Jill Walsh’s presentation: Strategies to Help Children Navigate Digital Technology will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 19 in the Woodstock High School auditorium.

Read More about Parent Speaker Event Feb. 19: Strategies to Help Children Navigate Digital Technology

Mission:  We will create a positive learning environment for children to achieve their academic and social potential through a strong core curriculum and interventions based on formal and informal assessment.

Vision:  Students will achieve their potential by acquiring knowledge and independent skills in order to fully participate in our global society.